Being a notary can come in handy in many different situations. If you’ve wondered how to become a notary, the ease of the process might be...
Very few, if any, of the around 2 million couples who marry each year go into the marriage expecting a divorce. The travails of adult life...
Canines are instinctively territorial. Sometimes this trait can manifest itself in behavior that is aggressive, putting those around the animal at risk. Ultimately, the responsibility of...
The odds of you winning your case are as good as the lawyer you pick. If you or someone you know has been arrested, it’s important...
Tax time is here again, and with it, the sinking feeling in your stomach that comes with determining how much you might owe the federal government....
Did you know that there are almost 450,000 law firms operating throughout the country at this time? That is obviously a very large number, and it provides...
Construction continues to grow in nearly every area of the country. Job opportunities and projects for contractors will grow by 10% through 2028. There is high...
While the divorce rate (and marriage rate) has gone down over the past few decades, many divorces still happen every year. Divorces are nothing to be...
There are over 5 million automobile accidents per year. While some of these accidents leave people with bumps and bruises on their bodies and cars, others...
Did you know 68 percent of Americans don’t have a will? If you want to learn about the importance of estate planning, we can help. This...