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Coronavirus, looking back at March 2021



I wrote my first article about COVID-19 on February 27, 2020, and wrote 5 articles related to this topic during March 2020.  I thought it would be a good idea to look back at my thoughts during that time, and see how much of what I said was true, and how much was off target.

And for the next year should I plan on taking advantage of Intertops casino bonus or can I actually plan that Las Vegas vacation I was thinking about going on a year and a half ago?

Are we close to a vaccine or is it still 18 months away? (Feb 2020)

By February 27, 2020, Trump was already talking about having a vaccine “very soon”.  Others were saying it was at least 18 months away.  On September 1, 2021, we will have reached the 18 month mark.

Politicians, don’t take any of them seriously

Unless you have been living in a bubble, the United States is currently in the middle of the most heated presidential elections in US history.  So, if the statement is coming out the mouth of a politician, take it with a grain of salt.  About half of what they are saying is probably true, and the rest is politics.

A COVID vaccine did get to market by February 2021.  That was great.  It helped with the original COVID-19.  But viruses mutate, and people can still be carriers and they still get sick.  For the most part, it is not hospital sick, and people dying as with the original COVID-19.  On the downside, the vaccine seems to become less “powerful” after 6 months.  But it is unclear exactly how it is not as powerful.  With people with immune system problems, did the vaccine just not hold or does the vaccine just not work?  I do not know, and I do not think that even the people who created the vaccine know.

Around 1995-2000, the FDA started to accept PDF submissions.  First, it was an option, and then it became a requirement.  The days of tractor trailers driving up to the FDA offices were gone, but it still took, on average, 3 years for a drug to be approved for mass production.

Around the year 2000, the FDA changed its procedures, so instead of a company doing all of their research and then submitting everything, all at once, at the end of the process, they were allowed to submit things piece by piece.  This change reduced the timeframe for an average drug submission from 3 years to 18 months.

That is still true.  And when companies are given an incentive to put a certain project to the front of the line, and the FDA puts certains products to the front of the line, that 18 month number can be cut in half.

So which number is right?

The answer is that they are both right.

The 18-month figure is an average figure. That figure can be cut down by a specific drug being put to the front of the line.  It can also be cut down by assigning additional people to evaluate the data.

But there are some things in the process that cannot be sped up.  Checking antibodies 3 months in the future, 6 months in the future, 12 months into the future, etc.  Although companies can run simulations and make expected predictions, nothing is going to take the place of seeing in real-time, under “normal” conditions, if something is or is not effective.

The second paragraph is especially true.  When governments started to give the vaccine to the population, they did not know what the antibody levels would be like at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, in the future.  The COVID vaccines do not maintain antibody levels at a point where they can fight off variants of the virus to the same level as the original virus.

How to beat the odds of getting COVID-19? (Feb 2020)

Understand how the Coronavirus is the same and different than a “normal” cold or flu.  First, how long the time between somebody being exposed to a virus before showing signs of infection.  For a regular cold, the time period is one to three days.  For the flu, it is one to four days.  For the Coronavirus, it is between two and 14 days.  To put it simply, the time between exposure and showing symptoms is a lot longer.

This is still true.

With the original COVID-19 variant, people tended to develop symptoms or test positive between 5 and 8 days after exposure.  They can be contagious 48 hours before showing symptoms or testing positive with a peak at 5.61 days.

For the Delta Variant, the time between initial exposure to a positive COVID test was 3 to 5 days with a peak at 3.71 days.  Infected individuals with the Delta variant were contagious 2 days earlier than the original COVID patients, and they had a much higher viral load.  So there was a lot more of the virus in their body that they could potentially transmit to others.

Delta variant COVID patients had viral loads that were 1260 times higher than original COVID patients.

The reason for this is that the Delta variants “likes the human body” much more than the original COVID virus, so it makes it much easier to reproduce.

If you were to graph the growth of the virus inside two individuals — one infected with the original version of the virus, the other infected with the Delta variant — both would start at zero, but the growth line for the Delta-infected individual would rise much more steeply. Not only would that individual’s viral load reach a detectable level (positive PCR test) more quickly; it would also reach an infectious level sooner. An individual infected with the original strain of the virus would, on average, become able to transmit the virus between three and four days after exposure, in the 48 hours before developing symptoms or testing positive. In contrast, it appears that someone infected with the Delta variant may be able to infect others within a day or two of being exposed.

What exactly is going on with the Delta COVID variant and vaccines? (Aug 2021)

Vaccination is highly protective against severe illness, hospitalization, and death — even when it comes to the Delta variant. We also have evidence that fully vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the SARS-CoV-2 virus to others. “But no vaccine is 100 percent effective,” Stuopis emphasizes. “And because Delta reproduces so quickly and efficiently, it appears that the virus can sometimes reach detectable and infectious levels in vaccinated people before the vaccine-mediated immune response kicks in. Vaccination will likely keep you from getting really sick. It may keep you from developing any symptoms at all. But it might not keep you from spreading the virus to others.”

To put it in layman’s terms, when a vaccinated person gets exposed to the Delta variant of COVID, it becomes a race against time.  The Delta COVID variant against the vaccine’s immune response?  Each working.  Each fighting.  But since the body only knows how to fight the original COVID vaccine, it takes time for the body to learn how to fight the Delta COVID variant.  Since your body has a head start, you do not end up in the hospital.  On the other hand, you can still get sick, you can still transmit it to others.  And the virus does not stop with you.

Do vaccinated people need to wear masks indoors? (Aug 2021)

If you are exposed to the COVID-19 Delta variant, you can expose others 1 ½ days later.  The Delta Variant is more transmittable, because the viral load inside your body is higher.  That means even with brief encounters, you can expose the virus to somebody else.

In August 2021, are covid vaccines worth it?

The simple answer is yes.  In terms of the original COVID variant, which the vaccines were originally designed for, the COVID vaccines work (if you have not previously been exposed).  For the Delta COVID variant, your body still has to learn how to fight the Delta COVID variant, but it is not learning “from scratch”.  So although it takes time for your body to learn how to fight this specific variant of COVID, people are not ending up in the hospital (for the most part).  And from the time that you are contagious to the time that your body learns to fight the Delta COVID variant, you can still get sick.  If you did not have the vaccine, you could potentially end up in the hospital.

Remember, compared to the original COVID variant, the Delta variant has a viral load of 1260 times higher.  And it is a higher viral load inside of your body that can be the difference between ending up in the hospital and not ending up in the hospital.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) described Delta as more transmissible than the common cold and influenza, as well as the viruses that cause smallpox, MERS, SARS, and Ebola—and called it as contagious as chickenpox

The highest spread of cases and severe outcomes is happening in places with low vaccination rates, and virtually all hospitalizations and deaths have been among the unvaccinated, the CDC says.

How long will the pandemic last (realistically)?

So, instead of a three- or four-year pandemic that peters out once enough people are vaccinated, an uptick in cases would be compressed into a shorter period of time. “That sounds almost like a good thing,” Dr. Wilson says. “It’s not.” If too many people are infected at once in a particular area, the local health care system will become overwhelmed, and more people will die, he says. While that might be less likely to happen in the U.S., it will be the case in other parts of the world, he adds. “That’s something we have to worry about a lot.”

This is a question that I have, why don’t we just expose the young and healthy (not people with pre-existing conditions) — expose them to COVID-19, but make sure that they are taking vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, and something to help the zinc absorb in the cells.

Many doctors discard this idea, because you do not know if the person would end up with a serious reaction or just “be sick”.

What are the symptoms of COVID Delta?

Cough and loss of smell are less common.  Headache, sore throat, runny nose, and fever are symptoms of the COVID Delta variant.

How long are you contagious with the Delta COVID variant?

No matter the variant, once you are contagious, you are contagious for 2 weeks.

Is the booster of the COVID vaccine worth it?

Prof. Sir Andrew Pollard, head of the Oxford Vaccine Group, which has contributed to the development of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, has even commented that, in his opinion, the highly transmissible Delta variant has made achieving herd immunity an impossibility.

“The Delta variant will still infect people who have been vaccinated. And that does mean that anyone who’s still unvaccinated at some point will meet the virus […], and we don’t have anything that will [completely] stop that transmission,” he told The Guardian.

Another argument against the booster vaccination is that low income countries still have not vaccinated all of the people in their countries that want to be vaccinated.  Countries like Venezuela have only vaccinated around 8% of their population.


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Discover the Exciting World of Online Slots on Situs Slot Gacor



Discover the Exciting World of Online Slots on Situs Slot Gacor


Welcome to the exciting world of online slot games! You might have heard of Situs Slot and Situs Slot Gacor—two popular places where people go to play fun and thrilling games right from their homes. These sites are famous because they offer lots of different games that are easy to play and really fun. Today, we’re going to find out what makes these sites so special and why so many people enjoy playing there. So, let’s get ready to explore the world of Situs Slot and see what adventures await us!

What is Situs Slot?

Situs Slot is a fantastic online platform where you can play lots of different slot games. Imagine it like a giant virtual arcade, filled with colorful games that you can try right from your computer or phone. Each game on Situs Slot is unique, featuring different themes like adventures, space, pirates, and more. This means you can always find something new and exciting to play.

What exactly is a slot game? Well, it’s a type of game where you spin reels with symbols on them, and you win prizes based on which symbols line up when the reels stop spinning. It’s really simple to play, and there’s no need to learn complicated rules.

Moreover, Situs Slot makes playing these games super easy. You can start a game with just a few clicks, and there are even instructions to help you if you’re trying it for the first time. Besides being fun, playing these games feels like a small adventure on its own because you never know what you’re going to get next.

Exploring Situs Slot Gacor

Situs Slot Gacor is a special version of Situs Slot that offers even more excitement and fun. It’s like the regular Situs Slot but with extra goodies and surprises that make the games even more thrilling. At Situs Slot Gacor, the games are designed to give players more chances to win and enjoy bigger prizes. This makes every game feel like a new adventure.

What makes Situs Slot Gacor really stand out are its special features. For example, some games have what’s called ‘jackpots,’ which are big prizes that you could win if you’re really lucky. Also, the games often come with cool bonuses, like free spins, which let you play a few rounds without using your own money. It’s like getting extra chances to win for free!

Furthermore, Situs Slot Gacor is known for being ‘gacor,’ a fun word that means the games are often ‘hot’ or likely to pay out prizes. This makes playing here super exciting because you feel like you could win something at any moment.

Benefits of Playing on Situs Slot and Situs Slot Gacor

Playing on Situs Slot and Situs Slot Gacor brings several benefits that make these sites super appealing. First off, you can enjoy all these games without ever leaving your house. This means you can play anytime you want, whether it’s after school or on a rainy day, right from the comfort of your own room.

Safety is another big plus. These sites take great care to protect your information and make sure everything is fair, so you can play without worrying. Plus, they use rules that help keep everyone safe online, which means you and your friends can have fun without any troubles.

One of the best parts about playing on these platforms is the bonuses they offer. For instance, you might get extra money to play with when you join, or even get free spins on some games. This is like getting extra tokens or tickets at a real arcade, which means more playtime and more chances to win.

Lastly, playing online slots like these is a great way to practice decision-making and strategy. While the games are based on luck, deciding when to play and how to use your bonuses can help sharpen your thinking skills. So, not only is it fun, but it’s also a cool way to learn new skills. Now, let’s find out how you can start playing on these awesome sites!

How to Get Started on Situs Slot Gacor

Getting started on Situs Slot and Situs Slot Gacor is super easy and fun! First, you need to create your own account. Just like signing up for a new game or app, you’ll enter a little bit of information about yourself and choose a fun username. Make sure you remember your password, and keep it safe!

Next, you’ll add some money to your account to start playing the games. This is called making a deposit. It’s similar to getting tokens for arcade games. There are different ways to do this, and the website will guide you through each step so it’s clear and simple.

Also, it’s really important to play responsibly. This means only playing with money you’re okay with spending and not using too much time playing games. The website has tools that help you set limits on how much you can spend and how long you can play.

Now, with your account set up and everything ready, you can start exploring and playing all the different fun games. Have fun and remember to play wisely! Let’s move on to some tips to make your gaming experience even better.

Tips for Enjoying Situs Slot Gacor

First, try out different games to find which ones you like the best. Each game has its own fun theme and special features, so exploring can be really exciting!

A great strategy is to set yourself a budget or a limit for how much money you’re willing to spend. This helps you enjoy the games without worrying about spending too much. Just like when you have a certain amount of allowance to spend on toys or games, stick to your budget here too.

Also, take advantage of bonuses and promotions. These can give you extra chances to play or even win more without having to spend extra money. Think of them like bonus points or rewards that you can earn while playing.

Remember to take breaks. Playing too long without a break can make it less fun. So, just like in a long game of hide and seek, pause for a bit, rest, and then you can have fun playing again with fresh energy.

Finally, keep in mind that winning is exciting, but playing should always be about having fun. Enjoy the thrill of the game and celebrate the small victories along the way!


These sites offer a fun way to play games online, where you can win prizes, enjoy various games, and even learn new strategies. Remember, the key to having a great time is playing responsibly. Always stick to your budget and take breaks when you need to. Enjoy the games for the fun and adventure they bring, and use the bonuses wisely to enhance your experience. So, go ahead, try out different games, and find your favorites. Happy gaming, and always remember to have fun safely!

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Unlock Exciting Online Gaming Adventures with Cepat89 and Slot88



Unlock Exciting Online Gaming Adventures with Cepat89 and Slot88

In the rapidly expanding world of online gaming, platforms like cepat89 and slot88 have become prominent players. These platforms offer a wide range of games and exciting features designed to provide users with an immersive and rewarding gaming experience. Let’s explore what makes cepat89 and slot88 exceptional choices for online gaming enthusiasts.

Cepat89: Speed and Variety in Online Gaming

Cepat89 is a platform that prioritizes fast-paced, engaging gaming experiences. Here’s why cepat89 stands out in the crowded online gaming market:

Extensive Game Library

Cepat89 offers an impressive selection of games that cater to various tastes and preferences. Whether you’re a fan of classic casino games like blackjack, roulette, and baccarat, or you prefer the thrill of modern video slots and live dealer games, cepat89 has something for everyone. The platform partners with top-tier game developers to ensure high-quality graphics and smooth gameplay.

Quick and Easy Registration

Joining cepat89 is straightforward, with a user-friendly registration process that allows you to start gaming in no time. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Navigate to the official cepat89
  2. Sign Up: Enter your details to create a new account.
  3. Verify Your Account: Complete the verification process to ensure account security.
  4. Start Playing: Make a deposit and dive into the vast selection of games available.

Secure and Fair Gaming Environment

Security is a top priority at cepat89. The platform uses advanced encryption technologies to protect your personal and financial information. Additionally, all games are regularly audited to ensure fairness, giving you peace of mind as you enjoy your gaming experience.

Slot88: A Haven for Slot Enthusiasts

Slot88 is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience for slot game lovers. With a rich variety of slots featuring engaging themes and big payouts, slot88 has become a favorite among players. Here’s what makes slot88 a top choice:

Extensive Slot Game Collection

At slot88, you’ll find a diverse array of slot games, from classic three-reel slots to the latest video slots with multiple paylines and bonus features. The platform collaborates with leading game developers to bring you top-quality games with stunning visuals and engaging gameplay.

Attractive Bonuses and Promotions

Slot88 offers a variety of bonuses and promotions to enhance your gaming experience. From welcome bonuses for new players to ongoing promotions for regular users, there’s always something to look forward to at slot88. These bonuses can significantly boost your chances of winning and make your gaming sessions more enjoyable.

User-Friendly Interface

Navigating slot88 is easy, thanks to its intuitive design. The platform is structured to make it simple for players to find their favorite games and start playing without any hassle. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned slot enthusiast, you’ll find the interface user-friendly and accessible.

How to Get Started with Cepat89 and Slot88

Starting your journey on these platforms is easy and convenient. Follow these steps to begin your gaming adventure:

  1. Visit the Official Websites: Use the official links for cepat89and slot88 to access the platforms.
  2. Create Your Account: Complete the registration process on each platform.
  3. Deposit Funds: Use the secure payment options available to fund your accounts.
  4. Explore and Enjoy: Start exploring the wide range of games on cepat89and dive into the extensive slot collection on slot88.


Cepat89 and slot88 offer exceptional online gaming experiences, each with its unique appeal. Cepat89 provides a dynamic and secure environment for various casino games, while slot88 is a paradise for slot game enthusiasts with its extensive game library and attractive bonuses. Whether you’re looking for fast-paced table games or the thrill of spinning the reels, these platforms have everything you need to elevate your gaming experience. Join cepat89 and slot88 today and unlock the full potential of your online gaming adventures.

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Unleash the Fun with HIT-A-MOLE: The Ultimate Online Casino Game




If you’re looking to play casino games online and want an experience that stands out from the rest, look no further than HIT-A-MOLE. This exciting game combines the thrill of traditional online casino games with a unique twist that will keep you coming back for more. HIT-A-MOLE offers a perfect blend of strategy and luck, making it an ideal choice for both novice and seasoned players.

Why HIT-A-MOLE Should Be Your Go-To Online Casino Game

  1. Innovative Gameplay: HIT-A-MOLE breaks away from the typical online casino format. Instead of just spinning reels or drawing cards, you get to preselect the number of bombs, each bomb increasing your potential rewards but also your risk. This element of choice adds a strategic layer to the game.
  2. Accessibility: Play casino games online with ease, whether you’re at home on your PC or on the go with your mobile device. HIT-A-MOLE is designed to offer a seamless gaming experience across all platforms.
  3. Generous Bonuses: Enjoy some of the best online casino bonuses These bonuses can enhance your gameplay, giving you more chances to win big and making every session more exciting.

Getting Started with HIT-A-MOLE

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Sign Up:Head over to HIT-A-MOLE and create an account. The registration process is simple and quick, getting you into the game in no time.
  2. Deposit Funds:Use our secure payment gateway to add funds to your account. HIT-A-MOLE supports major credit and debit cards, ensuring your transactions are safe and hassle-free.
  3. Choose Your Strategy:Decide how many bombs to include in your game. More bombs mean higher potential rewards but also greater risk. Balance your choices to match your risk tolerance.
  4. Start Playing:Begin your adventure by uncovering moles and cashing out before hitting a bomb. Each game is a new opportunity to test your strategy and luck.

Maximize Your HIT-A-MOLE Experience

Strategic Tips for Players

  • Understand the Game Mechanics:Spend some time familiarizing yourself with how HIT-A-MOLE works. Knowing the rules and mechanics will help you make better strategic decisions.
  • Balance Risk and Reward:Start with fewer bombs to get a feel for the game, then increase the number as you become more confident. This approach helps you balance risk and reward effectively.
  • Take Advantage of Bonuses:HIT-A-MOLE offers frequent bonuses that can significantly enhance your gameplay. Use these bonuses to increase your chances of winning without risking too much of your own money.

What Makes HIT-A-MOLE Unique?

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform Play:Enjoy a seamless gaming experience whether you’re playing on a mobile device or a PC. HIT-A-MOLE is optimized for both, allowing you to play casino games online whenever and wherever you want.
  • Secure Transactions:Both deposits and withdrawals are secure and straightforward. With various cryptocurrency options available, you can manage your funds with confidence.
  • Interactive and Engaging:The game’s unique bomb-selection feature and the dynamic balance of risk and reward make HIT-A-MOLE more engaging than traditional online casino games. Each decision matters, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

HIT-A-MOLE vs. Traditional Online Casino Games

While traditional online casino games like slots and blackjack rely heavily on luck, HIT-A-MOLE introduces a strategic element that makes the game more interactive and engaging. Players have control over their risk level, making every session unique and thrilling.

The Best Online Casino Bonuses

HIT-A-MOLE stands out for its generous bonus system. These bonuses can be used to increase the number of bombs, extend your playtime, or boost your potential rewards. Regular bonuses ensure that players always have something extra to look forward to.


HIT-A-MOLE offers a fresh and exciting take on online casino gaming. With its innovative gameplay, strategic depth, secure transactions, and generous bonuses, it provides a unique experience that sets it apart from other online casino games. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of online casinos, HIT-A-MOLE has something to offer everyone.

Don’t miss out on the excitement—visit HIT-A-MOLE today and start playing. Discover how strategy and luck combine in this unique online casino game and see just how much you can win!

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