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Chronicles of Everfall: Shadow of the Conquerer: Review: Death by Extraneous Subtitles



Shadow of the conqueror

Expectations are important. For relationships, for instance, making sure that everyone’s expectations are agreeable going is perhaps one of the most important factors for long term success. If the couple has differing expectations regarding children, religion, work / life ratios, or any other such important thing, then they either better rectify that or find new partners.

However, expectations are an important part of entertainment too. While people usually expect to be surprised in a certain way, there are limits to what they’ll accept within those boundaries. If you go into a comedy show, you expect to laugh. If you go to a TED talk, you expect to learn something new and maybe laugh if the presenter does a good job. If you go to online blackjack, you expect to have win and win some dolla dolla bills. However, If you go to a comedy show and get lectured about the horrors of Dachau, it might be informative, but it sure as heck wasn’t what I signed up for.

Movies and novels and all other kinds of storytelling have this give and pull too. When I sit down to read a Brandon Sanderson novel, I expect some kind of epic fantasy featuring heroes and wars and good and evil, with deep themes. When I watch a slasher flick, I expect to be scared and amused and frustrated as to why that stupid girl keeps tripping over nothing every ten feet when- sorry, where was I?

Right. Expectations. If you set up the wrong kind of expectations and don’t deliver, this typically is disastrous. Not always- sometimes we can be pleasantly surprised. But most of the time. The newer Star Trek shows, for instance, are a perfect example. The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Enterprise, and the movies all established what Star Trek is.

It’s a thoughtful, introspective work of science fiction that explores many compelling thought experiments, philosophies, and scientific premises. It’s a series that tackled big questions and gave thought provoking answers. So when I sat down to watch the newer Star Trek: Picard, I was not expecting to watch a fan-favorite character get murdered by eyeball drill. I would say that that falls safely under the category of “disastrous”.

“Chronicles of Everfall: Shadow of the Conqueror” is a novel that did not meet my expectations. This is a self-published novel written by Shad Brooks, who makes educational content about medieval history on his YouTube channel, Shadiversity. As a result, I went in expecting a Brandon Sanderson-Esque epic fantasy but ended up getting something quite different. But was it good? Short answer, yes.

The Premise

Our protagonist is Daylen Namaran, also known as Dayless the Conqueror, the Great Bastard, the Scourge of Nations, and various other equally unkind titles. But well deserved. Daylen was once a mighty emperor who rebelled against the aristocratic houses of old after they murdered his family and rose as a unifying monarch in the name of the oppressed people. To ensure that the evils of old would not happen again, Daylen brought all property under the control of the government and forced people to work to feed the otherwise starving nation.

So yeah, he basically invented fantasy communism. And just like real communism, it was an abysmal failure. As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Daylen was no exception. He removed people’s freedoms. He became paranoid. He took hundreds of women forcibly (some as young as fourteen). He invented airships powerful enough to annihilate cities. And did, when one dared rebel against his despotic regime.

Eventually, the entire world rose against him. Eventually, they bested his armies, and he was forced into hiding. With everyone presuming him dead, Daylen hid and planned.

And hid. And hid. And hid.

Twenty years later, our story begins. And Daylen, having seen a world no longer under his thumb, despises himself and everything he ever did. Old and feeble at the age of eighty-two, Daylen decides his time his come and decides to throw himself off the continent.

Which, ironically, would be the key to his salvation.

The World

The story is set in the world of Everfall, which consists of a series of massive floating islands. Should one fall off the edge, they eventually loop around to the top of the world, such that if you don’t collide with anything, you’ll fall forever and ever until you starve to death. Unless you’re carrying either Darkstone or Lightstone.

Exactly as the name implies, Lightstone emits light, but Darkstone behaves differently. If it’s not exposed to light, the stone will fix in place and cannot be moved (even in midair). As more and more light touches it, the stone gets easier and easier to move until it’s simply pushed forward. This is how the islands can float and the airships can move.

However, if you carry one of these stones with you as you hit the barrier, you explode.

Daylen, being the massive melodramatic nonce that he is, decides to carry both with him on the way down. Not only does he not explode, but he’s returned to his youthful body and given magical superpowers.

The Magic

Taking obvious inspiration from novels like Brandon Sanderson’s “The Stormlight Archive”, Shadow of the Conqueror goes for a Hard Magic system. If you’re interested in learning the differences between Hard magic and Soft Magic systems in fantasy novels, I highly recommend watching the video by “Hello Future Me” on YouTube about the subject. But for the purposes of this article, I’ll be brief. Basically, a Hard Magic system is one where there are explicit rules about what the magic can’t do (Like in Avatar the Last Airbender, or anything by Brandon Sanderson), whereas a Soft Magic system is one where the only rules are what the magic system has been shown it can do (like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and The Lord of the Rings).

Shadow of the Conqueror goes for the former, with lots and lots of explicit rules for how everything works, that will all be explained to you in great detail if you can be bothered to read through it. Like, there is actual math and physics involved. Math.

Actually, it’s pretty cool overall- although a lot of the explanations get frontloaded into the novel in the form of infodumps while Daylen is experimenting.

The Moral Dilemma

The whole plot is built around a single question: Is Daylen redeemable? Is it even possible for him to be redeemed? Is the world ready or willing to forgive him?

Considering the scale of Day lens crimes (as one Goodreads reviewer put it, Daylen was basically pedophile-Stalin), almost everyone seems to agree that Dayless the Conqueror deserves to die. Including Daylen himself- although he’s convinced that “The Light” (Read: G-d) is determined to let him live so that he can continue suffering from his guilt. He believes that is why he was turned young and believes that that is why he was given his powers- so that he can fulfill some sort of purpose, find some small redemption, and suffer with himself all the while.

Like two of my other favorite authors (Brandon Sanderson and Orson Scott Card), Shadow of the Conquerer is written by a devout member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints- more commonly known as Mormonism. It’s clear that Shad M. Brooks’ views on redemption have intermixed with the story- that everyone deserves a second chance and can be deemed through repentance. It’s not a bad thing. Every artist adds their own philosophies into the works they create and lets people step into their worldview, even for a little while.

It’s just that on this particular issue, I disagree with the conclusion. I won’t spoil how it ends, but I do think Daylen gets off easy. I don’t particularly care how much guilt Daylen himself feels over his crimes. There are lines of no return, which, in my opinion, must be punished. Even if that person can be redeemed, it’s the crime itself that has to be punished.

I’m not Christian. I do believe in the concept of “an eye for an eye”- which isn’t literal, as most people seem to forget. In the old testament, this means that a man that breaks another man’s hand must pay the victim however much a court deems that man’s hand to be worth (basically, his livelihood). If you steal a goat, you must pay back two goats, etc.

Daylen Namaran is responsible for nearly thirty million deaths. The novel basically gives Daylen a slap on the wrist for it but delivers death penalties to men who have committed far less enormous (but still horrible) crimes. Daylen is at least self aware enough to recognize the hypocrisy, but the narrative itself doesn’t if that makes any sense. Sure, Daylen bemoans having to live another day with his immense guilt, but… he’s still alive? Returned to his youth, given magical superpowers, and reunited with once mortal enemies and even one of the girls he repeatedly raped?

I’m sorry, but that doesn’t fit my worldview of justice.


Now let me be clear: Does the fact that I heavily disagree with the implied moral compass of the novel make it a bad book? No. It’s very enjoyable. It’s very well written, with solid characters and an intriguing moral dilemma. The fact that I’m here, ranting about how much I disagree with it, means that in one sense, it accomplished its goal of getting me to think. I didn’t agree with every outcome of Star Trek. The writers of that show ended up at conclusions I would not have come to, and neither did Mr. Brooks. Which is fine! If everyone thought exactly the same as I did, that would suck.

I went into Shadow of the Conqueror expecting an Epic Fantasy, set on a world-shattering scale. Instead, I got a smaller scale but far more thought-provoking novel than I had ever initially expected to get. Many fantasy novels avoid the non-PC issues (like ham-fisted racism is bad metaphors) to keep a wider audience, and I appreciate that Shadow of the Conqueror doesn’t compromise to tell the story it wants to tell.

Plus, any story, fantasy or no, that dunks on communism gains my respect.

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Beware the Bets: How to Spot Scam Sites in the World of Baccarat and Casinos



How to Spot Scam Sites in the World of Baccarat and Casinos


Baccarat is a fun card game often played in casinos, big places where people go to try their luck at different games. At these spots, you can find games like Baccarat and many others that offer excitement and the chance to win prizes. Nowadays, not only can you play these games in big buildings called casinos, but you can also play them online, right from your home. However, while playing online is convenient, it’s important to make sure the website is safe and fair. This guide will help you learn how to enjoy Baccarat and other games online without worrying about being tricked.

Understanding Scam Sites

A scam site is a tricky website that tries to fool people into thinking it’s a real place to play games like Baccarat online. Unfortunately, these fake sites can trick players into losing money or giving away personal information. So, it’s really important to know how to spot these bad sites.

Firstly, if a website looks poorly made with strange images and hard-to-read text, be cautious. Also, legitimate sites will clearly explain the rules of the games and how you can get your winnings. If the site makes this hard to understand or seems too complicated, it might not be safe.

Secondly, a big red flag is if the site doesn’t show any proof of having a license from a proper authority. Real casinos are always registered with gaming authorities that make sure everything is fair and safe.

Moreover, you should look at what other people say about the site. Online reviews can tell you a lot. If you see many bad comments or stories about people losing money unfairly, it’s best to stay away.

Lastly, always remember to be careful. Just like in any game, the goal is to have fun safely. By knowing these signs, you can protect yourself from 먹튀사이트 and enjoy playing your favorite games online.

How to Verify a Casino’s Legitimacy

When you want to play games like Baccarat online, it’s crucial to check if the casino is legitimate. This means making sure the site is safe and follows the rules. Here’s how you can do that:

First, look for information about the casino’s license. Legitimate casinos are usually licensed by gaming authorities that make sure the games are fair and that the casino acts responsibly. You can often find this information at the bottom of the website.

Next, read reviews from other players. This can give you a good idea of what to expect. If most people have had a positive experience and say the casino pays out winnings properly, that’s a good sign.

Also, check how long the casino has been around. Older casinos that have been operating for years are often more reliable than brand new ones. This isn’t always the case, but it can help you feel more secure.

Moreover, look at the customer service options. A trustworthy casino should offer ways for you to get help if you need it, like a phone number, email, or live chat. Good customer service shows that the casino cares about its players.

By following these steps, you can feel safer about where you choose to play online.

Safe Practices for Online Gambling

When playing games like Baccarat online, it’s important to follow safe practices to protect yourself and your money. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

First, always set a budget for how much money you can spend on games. This helps you avoid spending too much. Stick to this limit no matter what, even if you think you’re about to win big.

Secondly, make sure to use secure ways to pay and get money from the site. Options like credit cards, PayPal, or other trusted online payment systems are usually safe. These methods also let you track your money easily if something goes wrong.

Additionally, never share your personal information like your password or bank details with others. Keep this information private to protect yourself from people who might try to steal from you.

Also, it’s a good idea to keep records of all your games and transactions. If you ever have a problem or question, these records can help you figure out what happened.

Finally, playing games online should be fun, not stressful. By following these tips, you can enjoy playing safely and avoid problems. This way, you focus more on having a good time.

What to Do If You Suspect a Scam

If you think a website where you’re playing games like Baccarat might be a 먹튀사이트, it’s important to know what to do next. Here’s how you can handle this situation safely and smartly:

Firstly, stop putting more money into the site. It’s important to protect what you have until you figure out if the site is truly dishonest.

Next, you can report the site to the authorities. Many countries have specific departments that handle complaints about online scams. Reporting the site can help protect other people from falling into the same trap.

Also, reach out to the website’s customer service if it’s available. Explain your concerns clearly and ask for their help. Sometimes, problems are just misunderstandings that can be solved easily.

Moreover, share your experience online in forums or review sites. This can warn other players about the potential risks of the site.

Finally, if you have lost money, consider talking to your bank or payment service. They might be able to help you get some of your money back.

By taking these steps, you can handle a bad situation more wisely and help others do the same.


Playing games like Baccarat online should be fun and safe. Remember to always check if a casino is trustworthy before you start playing. Use the tips we’ve discussed to spot scam sites and protect yourself. Also, keep your personal information private and only use secure payment methods. If something seems wrong, don’t hesitate to report it and share your experience to help others. By being careful and following these guidelines, you can enjoy your online gaming experience without worries. So, go ahead, play wisely, and have a great time!

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Explore Fun and Wins: Your Guide to Iblbet and Top Slot Sites!



Your Guide to Iblbet and Top Slot Sites!


Welcome to the exciting world of Iblbet, where fun meets fortune in the realm of online slot games. Iblbet is not just any gaming site; it’s a place where you can spin reels and maybe even win big prizes. Situs slot gacor means a site with games that give you a better chance to win more often. In this guide, we’ll explore why so many players choose Iblbet for their gaming adventures. So, let’s get started and find out what makes these games a top pick for both beginners and seasoned players alike!

What is Iblbet?

Iblbet is an online playground for those who love games, especially slot machines. What’s great about it is that you can play from anywhere, whether at home or on the go. Iblbet offers a wide range of games, but its slot games are particularly exciting. These games come in different themes and styles, so there’s always something new to try.

Furthermore, Iblbet is known for its user-friendly website, which makes it easy for everyone to find and play their favorite games. It’s not just about playing; it’s about enjoying the experience in a safe and secure environment. Iblbet uses the latest technology to make sure that all games are fair and that your information is protected.

Additionally, the platform is designed to be inclusive, welcoming players with different levels of experience. Whether you are a beginner trying out your first game or a seasoned player looking for new challenges, Iblbet has something to offer.

Understanding Situs Slot Gacor

Situs slot gacor refers to online slot sites that are known for their high win rates, which means they give players a better chance to win more frequently. This feature is particularly appealing because who doesn’t love winning? At Iblbet, situs slot gacor games are a big deal because they add an extra thrill to your gaming experience.

These games are not just about luck; they also require some strategy. Understanding the game rules and knowing when to bet can increase your chances of a big win. Iblbet offers a variety of situs slot gacor games, each with unique themes and bonus features. These games are designed to be exciting and rewarding, making your time spent playing well worth it.

Moreover, Iblbet ensures that these games are fair and trustworthy. They use random number generators to make sure that every spin is completely random and fair. This means you really do have a genuine chance to win every time you play.

How to Get Started with Iblbet

Starting your adventure with Iblbet is simple and quick, ensuring you can jump into the fun without any hassle. First, you need to create an account. Just visit the Iblbet website, click on the ‘Sign Up’ button, and fill out the form with your details like name, email, and age to make sure you’re old enough to play. Once your account is set up, you’re ready to go!

Next, adding money to your account is easy. Iblbet offers several safe ways to deposit money, such as using a credit card, online wallets, or bank transfers. Choose the method you prefer, follow the instructions, and start with a small amount if you’re just testing the waters.

Now, you’re all set to play! Navigate to the slot games section and pick a game that looks fun. Each game has simple instructions, so you’ll know exactly what to do.

Lastly, remember that Iblbet cares about your safety. They protect your personal information with strong security measures, making sure that your gaming experience is both fun and safe. So, why wait? Let’s start playing and see if you can win big!

Tips and Tricks for Winning on Situs Slot Gacor

Winning at situs slot gacor games on Iblbet can be more fun when you know a few handy tips and tricks. First off, always start by choosing games that have a reputation for high payouts. This means they give back a lot of the money that’s played. You can often find this information in the game details or reviews.

Next, it’s wise to set a budget before you start playing. Decide how much money you are comfortable spending and stick to it. This way, you’ll enjoy playing without worrying about spending too much.

Another smart move is to take advantage of bonuses and promotions. Iblbet often offers free spins or bonus cash when you deposit money or during special events. These bonuses can give you extra chances to play and win without risking your own money.

Moreover, learning the rules of each game is crucial. The more you understand how to play, the better your chances of winning. And remember, playing these games should always be fun, not stressful.

Lastly, practice makes perfect. Many games offer a free play version, so you can try out different strategies without spending money. This is a great way to improve your skills and boost your confidence.

Benefits of Regular Play at Iblbet

Playing regularly at Iblbet comes with a bunch of cool perks that make your gaming experience even better. First, regular players often get special bonuses, like extra money to play with or free spins on slot games. These bonuses are Iblbet’s way of saying ‘thank you’ for playing so often.

Additionally, if you play a lot, you might get invited to join Iblbet’s loyalty program. This program rewards you with points every time you play. Later, you can turn these points into prizes or more game time. It’s a fun way to get more out of your playing time.

Iblbet also hosts exciting tournaments where regular players can compete against each other. Winning these tournaments can bring you not only bragging rights but also some amazing prizes. It’s a fantastic opportunity to test your skills and have some friendly competition.

Moreover, regular players receive updates and tips, helping them stay ahead in the games. This means you always know about the latest games and features, keeping your gaming fresh and exciting.

Community and Support

Iblbet isn’t just about playing games; it’s also about being part of a community. The platform encourages players to connect with each other, share experiences, and even give tips. This makes playing on Iblbet not just fun but also a social activity where you can make new friends who share your interest in gaming.

Moreover, if you ever need help or have a question, Iblbet’s support team is always ready to assist. Whether you have a technical issue or just a question about a game, they’re just a message away. This support ensures that your gaming experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Iblbet also cares about responsible gaming. They provide tools and advice to help you play responsibly. This includes setting limits on how much you can deposit or how long you can play. These tools make sure that gaming remains a fun part of your life, without becoming a problem.

Additionally, Iblbet regularly updates its games and features, based on feedback from players. This means they really listen to what you have to say, helping to improve the platform and make it even more enjoyable for everyone.


Iblbet isn’t just a place to play; it’s a platform where you can win, learn, and connect with other gamers. With special bonuses for regular players and a secure environment, Iblbet ensures every gaming session is fun and fair. So, why not start your adventure today? Spin the reels, enjoy the games, and perhaps, win big, all while being part of a vibrant gaming community. Remember, play responsibly and enjoy every moment!

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Fun and Games: Exploring Demo Slot PGSoft and Slot Demo Mahjong Ways



Exploring Demo Slot PGSoft


Welcome to the exciting world of online slot games! In this article, we’re diving into the fun universe where you can spin reels and win prizes without spending any money. PGSoft is a popular name when it comes to these games, and they make some really cool slots. Today, we’ll specifically talk about two types of games they offer: demo slot PGSoft and slot demo Mahjong Ways. These games let you play for free so you can practice and see how much fun they are before playing with real money. Get ready to explore how these games work and why they’re a great choice for beginners!

Understanding Demo Slot PGSoft

PGSoft’s demo slots are special because they have awesome themes and cool graphics. For example, they might take you on an adventure in a jungle or into a story about ancient treasures. Also, these games come with neat features like free spins or bonus rounds, making them even more exciting.

One of the best things about playing demo slots is that you can try out different games without worrying about losing any money. This is perfect for new players who are just learning how to play. By playing these demos, you get to understand the rules, see what winning combinations look like, and figure out strategies without any pressure.

So, if you’re curious about slot games, trying out PGSoft’s demo slots is a wonderful way to start. You’ll learn a lot, have loads of fun, and get ready for more serious gaming if you decide to play with real money later on.

A Closer Look at Slot Demo Mahjong Ways

This game is really interesting because it mixes the classic tile game of Mahjong with the thrill of slot machines. Imagine combining two fun games into one! Mahjong Ways lets you match symbols that look like Mahjong tiles on spinning reels to win prizes.

To start playing, you simply choose how much you want to pretend to bet (remember, it’s all just for fun since it’s a demo) and then press the spin button. The reels will spin, and if the right tiles line up, you win! It’s easy and exciting to see the tiles come together in winning combinations.

Here are a couple of tips to make the most of your game time: First, try to familiarize yourself with the different types of Mahjong tiles so you can easily recognize them during the game. Second, take advantage of the game’s features like free spins, which let you play extra rounds without ‘betting’ more pretend money.

Playing Slot Demo Mahjong Ways is a great way to have fun and get a feel for how slot games work, all while enjoying the familiar look of Mahjong tiles. So, why not give it a spin and see how much fun you can have?

Where to Play These Demo Slots

After learning about the exciting slot demo from PGSoft and the fun Slot Demo Mahjong Ways, you might wonder where you can play these games. Luckily, there are plenty of online platforms where you can enjoy these games for free!

Firstly, you can visit websites that specifically host PGSoft games. These sites often have a variety of demo slots available, including Mahjong Ways. Another option is to check out online casinos that offer free demo versions of their games. This way, you can play without any risk, and you don’t even have to sign up or deposit any money.

It’s important to make sure that the site you choose is safe and secure. Always look for websites that are known for being trustworthy. You can also read reviews from other players to see what their experiences have been like.

Lastly, always remember to have fun and play responsibly, even when it’s just a demo. These platforms are a great way to practice and enjoy the thrill of slot games without any worries. So go ahead, pick a site, and start spinning those reels!


We’ve had a lot of fun exploring the exciting world of demo slots, especially the demo slot PGSoft and slot demo Mahjong Ways. These games offer a fantastic way to enjoy the thrill of slot machines without spending any money. By playing these demos, you get a sneak peek into various game features and styles. Now, why not try these games for yourself? They’re a great way to practice and discover which types of slot games you enjoy the most. So, grab your device, choose a game, and start having fun with these awesome demo slots today!

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