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A Quick Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework



A Quick Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework

Business as usual isn’t getting you far enough, is it? If it feels like your company is moving far too slowly or not growing enough, then it’s time for a change.

The old way of organizing a company, from CEO down to entry-level employees, is becoming obsolete. It invites bureaucracy and makes progress slow.

But companies that want to move faster and grow bigger are quickly adopting the scaled agile framework. This new method of organizing and empowering an organization is changing the way businesses operate from the inside out.

What is scaled agile framework? And what does it take to become a scaled agile company? Keep reading to discover how to take your business to the next level.

What Does Scaled Agile Framework Mean?

If your company develops software or complex solutions for your customers, then SAFe, or Scaled Agile Framework is for you. It’s a set of principles that guide your company, improve workflows, and increase engagement across your teams.

The framework will help you better develop software. It will also help you systemize your business in a much more efficient way.

It requires your entire company to be on board and follow the principles. When they do, your company will enjoy faster time to market, faster solutions, greater collaboration between teams, and increased participation and purpose, even for new team members.

Scaled Agile Framework Benefits

It all sounds great, right? But what are the actual benefits of the SAFe Scaled Agile Framework?

Internal Unity

For starters, it will provide alignment within your organization. Many traditional organizations struggle to achieve alignment as teams often believe that they are opposed to one another.

But SAFe allows for continual reflection across the board. Everyone looks at the goals of the company, the mission, and the progress so far. When this happens regularly, everyone can come together to visualize the solutions, communicate freely, and allow for true collaboration.

Greater Quality and Execution

With improved communication and greater collaboration across the company, you will experience a higher quality product executed well.

Quality checks are built into the SAFe framework, causing each employee and team to define success related to their department.


Greater communication and collaboration also lead to transparency within the organization. Lack of trust from team to team is often an issue with traditional companies, as they rarely get together to work side by side.

Work and sprints are also planned in smaller increments, allowing for easier milestones and more frequent troubleshooting. These advantages of scaled agile software and companies can lead to faster success and greater company growth.

Principles of Scaled Agile Framework

When planning to implement the scaled agile framework, there are core principles that become the guiding light of the organization. While there are many important principles, here are just a few key ideas.

  1. Understand Economic Implications

One of the biggest issues with companies that don’t subscribe to agile management is slow decision-making. Major decisions often have to work their way up the corporate ladder for approval by many managers.

But with agile thinking, it’s important to understand that decision delays cost money. Agile thinking allows for greater empowerment and faster decision-making. This leads to shorter lead times for getting a product or solution to market.

It’s also important for teams to operate on strict budgets. This allows for greater innovation and higher-quality solutions.

  1. Systematize

Every function of your business needs to implement systems to be productive. Without systems in place, things can happen at random. Tasks can be done in different ways each time they are completed.

During the course of business, a lack of systems across your organization will cost money and cause unnecessary frustration. Always be thinking of ways to build or improve systems.

  1. Build and Test Incrementally

It’s easy to set milestones for completing certain objectives, specifically when it relates to software development. But testing software based on the individual checkpoint doesn’t provide an accurate depiction of progress.

Instead, it’s important to test the entire system at each checkpoint to see how the latest interaction affects everything else. Progress can only happen when it works in tandem with work completed previously.

  1. Empower Teams

For work to get done and decisions to get made, teams need to be empowered by leadership. If you want to see progress, allow your individual teams to make the best decisions they can make.

This will encourage greater participation among your employees, as they actually see their ideas and solutions as valuable, rather than awaiting orders from the boss.

How to Become a Scaled Agile Company

Transitioning your company from a traditional organizational structure to a scaled agile company is not an easy or quick task. It takes a lot of work and a lot of cooperation from every department, team leader, and employee.

It also takes a long-term commitment. It’s not an overnight change.

The best way to make this transition possible is to hire a certified scaled agile coach who can guide your business through the process. Independent coaches are trained and receive scaled agile framework certification before they can work with companies in this regard.

When you hire a scaled agile coach, they will help you create a plan. The plan is how you can take your current teams, empower them, and undo the top-down structure that causes everything to go slow.

Alternatively, you can also have members of your team become scaled agile certified. They will discover what it takes to lead your company into this new form of management and will be present in the weeds to help bring lasting change.

And it doesn’t have to be just one person. You can certify an entire team or even your entire company. Many companies will bring in a third-party coach initially, but utilize their own certified staff for ongoing development.

Trust the Process

The scaled agile framework has the power to transform your organization, making it more productive and more profitable than ever before. But there is a lot that goes into it.

It’s not a simple decision to begin agile operations. Rather, it’s an ongoing process that takes time, refinement, and continual learning. But it’s a process you’ll wish you had started sooner.

Looking for more information like this? Check out our blog today for other helpful articles.

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How to Customize Your Withdrawal Plan with an SWP Calculator



How to Customize Your Withdrawal Plan with an SWP Calculator

Financial independence is one of the most sought-after forms of autonomy. No matter the stage of your life, it is always better to have adequate personal finances. Although friends and family are always there for your support, your financial prudence could go a long way. Whether you are just starting your investment journey or getting ready to retire, the customisable SWP calculator is your new best friend.

This calculator takes the guesswork out of generating passive income from your nest egg. Tailor a withdrawal plan that aligns with your personal financial goals. Financial independence doesn’t happen by accident. But equipped with the SWP calculator, you can optimise withdrawals from investments to supplement your income.

In this article, we will explain how the SWP calculator functions.

What is a Systematic Withdrawl Plan (SWP)?

A systematic withdrawal plan (SWP) is a financial manoeuvre that allows you to withdraw money from your investment plan according to your requirements. Depending on the corpus left in your investment fund, you could use a SWP as a source of regular income.

Investors can select the frequency of withdrawals on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. You could also choose the date of withdrawal that matches your budget requirements.

Let us understand the underlying benefit of SWP with an example. Consider, for instance, that you have 10,000 units in a mutual fund scheme in India. Depending on your requirements, you set a mandate to withdraw Rs. 4000 through the systematic withdrawal plan on the tenth day of every month.

Starting with January 10, when the fund’s Net Asset Value was Rs. 10 per unit, you would get 400 units. Next month, when the Net Asset Value touches Rs. 15, you will get 266.67 units. You can keep more units in your fund for the same withdrawal amount.

Please note that the above example would hold only when your particular fund is experiencing a growth trend, that is when the fund’s net asset value per unit increases monthly.

What is the SWP Calculator?

An SWP calculator is an automated investment calculator that estimates the possibilities of monthly withdrawals from your investment fund. It shows the total units and the amount remaining in the fund after every withdrawal. Investors in India prefer SWPS for regular monthly income in their retirement years.

Based on the concept of the time value of money, a swap calculator displays the future value of your mutual fund investment. You simply have to enter details such as your investment amount, preferred withdrawal per month, preferred tenure, and expected rate of return. Now, let us move on to understanding the usage of a SWP calculator in detail.

You can rely on the results of a SWP calculator because the final corpus amount is derived with the help of an authentic mathematical formula. A SWP calculator makes use of the following formula:

A = WMT ((1+r/n)^nt-1)/(r/n))


  • ‘A’ is the final value of your investment.
  • ‘WMT’ is the withdrawal amount.
  • ‘n’ is the number of periods over which the compounding will happen (12 for monthly, 3 for quarterly, and 1 for annual).
  • ‘t’ is the tenure of your investment in years.

Your SWP calculator will show the final corpus based on the calculations done using this formula.

How to Use a SWP Calculator?

It is easy to understand how a swp calculator works. Here are the step to use the SWP calculator:.

Step 1:

Fill in your total investment amount held in the mutual fund.

Step 2:

Enter the monthly withdrawal limit (Please note that you can even opt for quarterly or annual withdrawals).

Step 3:

Fill in your expected rate of return.

Step 4:

Enter your preferred tenure in terms of years.

You can easily customise the entries of the SWP calculator to analyse the different scenarios that could arise with changes in these entries. Based on your entries made following the steps mentioned above, a SWP calculator will show the results displaying the total investment amount, total interest earned, and the final value of your investment. These results will serve as your aid in finalising your withdrawal limit.

Benefits of a Systematic Withdrawal Plan

There can be less doubt that a systematic withdrawal plan benefits your financial health. Let us understand the main benefits in detail.

1. Source of Regular Income

One of the most essential advantages of a SWP is that it can help you earn a regular income. You can withdraw the money monthly, quarterly, or annually depending on your requirements. All investors interested in earning a regular income can opt for a systematic withdrawal plan.

2. Retirement Income

SWPs offer a stable source of income in your after years. You can use this income to live a stress-free post-retirement life.

3. Availing Tax Benefits

Long-term capital gains to the tune of Rs. 1 lakh are exempt from payment of taxes. You are required to pay taxes only when your accrued gains exceed this threshold.

Benefits of a SWP Calculator

1. Seamless Calculation Process

A SWP calculator lets you accurately assess your final corpus simply by entering details such as the investment amount, expected rate of interest, and withdrawal amount.

2. Finding the Best Withdrawal Plan Calculator

A SWP calculator lets you calculate your corpus amount for different values. You can compare the corpus amounts per your preference and then select the corpus that would meet your requirements in future.

3. Ease of Use

Using an SWP calculator is quite simple. You get the results after entering basic details, such as your required corpus amount.


Who can deny that modern life is entirely uncertain? People need help maintaining their financial wellness. However, with modern instruments such as systematic withdrawal plans, it is easy to manage your financial wellness according to your own preferences.

All you have to do is use a SWP calculator and get an estimate of your corpus. Now that you know all the details of SWP, nothing should stop you from targeting a handsome corpus. For those looking to plan their investments from the start, combining the use of a SIP calculator and SWP calculator can provide a comprehensive view of your financial journey.

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The EU Digital Identity Wallet: A Comprehensive Overview



The EU Digital Identity Wallet

The European Union is spearheading a transformative initiative with the introduction of the EU Digital Identity Wallet. This ambitious project aims to provide EU citizens and residents with a universal digital identity system, enhancing convenience, security, and efficiency in accessing both public and private services. In this article, we explore the key aspects of the EU Digital Identity Wallet, its benefits, challenges, and implications for the future of digital identity in Europe.

1. What is the EU Digital Identity Wallet?

The EU Digital Identity Wallet is a secure and interoperable digital identity system designed to facilitate seamless authentication and verification processes across the European Union. It allows individuals to store and share personal information and credentials digitally, including identity documents, licenses, certificates, and more. The wallet can be accessed through a mobile application, providing a user-friendly interface for managing and presenting digital identity information.

2. Objectives of the EU Digital Identity Wallet

The primary goals of the EU Digital Identity Wallet are:

  • Empowering Citizens: To provide individuals with control over their personal data and digital identity.
  • Simplifying Access: To streamline access to online services by providing a single, trusted source of identity verification.
  • Enhancing Security: To offer a secure and reliable method for digital authentication and reduce fraud and identity theft.
  • Promoting Interoperability: To ensure compatibility across EU member states, fostering cross-border digital interactions.

3. Key Features of the Digital Identity Wallet

  • Interoperability: Designed to work seamlessly across all EU member states, enabling citizens to use their digital identity in different countries without barriers.
  • Data Privacy: Users retain full control over their personal data, deciding what information to share and with whom.
  • Multi-Functionality: Beyond simple identification, the wallet supports a range of functionalities, including age verification, electronic signatures, and secure document storage.
  • High Security: Incorporates advanced security measures, including encryption and biometric authentication, to protect user data.

4. How the Digital Identity Wallet Works

Registration and Verification: To use the wallet, individuals must first register and verify their identity through a secure process, often involving biometric data and official documentation.

Data Storage: Once verified, users can store various credentials in their digital wallet. These can include identity cards, driver’s licenses, academic diplomas, and other official documents.

Usage: When accessing a service requiring identity verification, users can present their digital wallet. The wallet generates a secure, verifiable digital credential that can be shared with service providers.

Updates and Management: Users can update their stored credentials as needed, ensuring that their information remains current and accurate.

5. Potential Benefits

For Citizens:

  • Convenience: Eliminates the need for multiple physical documents and simplifies the process of proving identity online.
  • Control: Empowers individuals to manage their own data, enhancing transparency and trust.

For Businesses:

  • Efficiency: Reduces the burden of identity verification processes, lowering operational costs.
  • Trust: Provides a trusted method for verifying customer identities, enhancing security and compliance.

For Governments:

  • Streamlined Services: Facilitates more efficient delivery of public services and reduces administrative overhead.
  • Cross-Border Integration: Supports the EU’s vision of a digital single market by enabling cross-border interactions and services.

6. Implementation Challenges

Despite its promising features, the EU Digital Identity Wallet faces several challenges:

  • Data Privacy Concerns: Ensuring that user data is adequately protected and that privacy rights are upheld is a critical issue.
  • Interoperability: Achieving seamless interoperability across diverse national systems and regulations requires significant coordination and technical standardization.
  • Public Adoption: Encouraging widespread adoption among citizens and businesses necessitates addressing concerns about security, usability, and trust.

7. Timeline and Rollout

The EU Digital Identity Wallet is part of the broader European Digital Identity framework. The initiative is progressing through several phases:

  • Development: Pilot projects and technological development are underway to refine the system and address potential issues.
  • Testing: Extensive testing is being conducted to ensure reliability, security, and user-friendliness.
  • Deployment: The wallet is expected to be available for widespread use by 2025, with ongoing updates and improvements based on user feedback and technological advancements.

8. Legal and Regulatory Framework

The EU Digital Identity Wallet operates within a robust legal and regulatory framework designed to ensure security and compliance:

  • eIDAS Regulation: The Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation provides the legal basis for electronic identification and trust services in the EU.
  • GDPR Compliance: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensures that user data is handled in accordance with strict privacy and data protection standards.
  • National Legislation: Each member state must align its national legislation with EU regulations to support the implementation of the digital identity wallet.

9. Future Implications

The EU Digital Identity Wallet has the potential to revolutionize the way individuals interact with both public and private sectors across Europe:

  • Digital Transformation: Accelerates the digital transformation of public services and private sector operations.
  • Innovation: Creates opportunities for new digital services and applications that leverage secure and verifiable digital identities.
  • Economic Growth: Facilitates smoother cross-border trade and interactions, contributing to economic growth and the realization of the digital single market.

10. Conclusion

The EU Digital Identity Wallet represents a significant step towards a more integrated and efficient digital Europe. By providing a secure, user-friendly, and interoperable digital identity solution, it aims to enhance the lives of EU citizens, streamline business operations, and support the digital transformation of public services. As the project moves forward, addressing the challenges of privacy, interoperability, and public adoption will be crucial to its success. The EU Digital Identity Wallet holds the promise of a future where digital interactions are more secure, convenient, and accessible for all.

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Popularity of Monolith Signage for Businesses



Popularity of Monolith Signage for Businesses

When it comes to stylish and functional on-street advertising, monolith signs are quickly becoming the clear winner.

Why do so many businesses, from restaurants to fitness centers, choose monolith signs to make their brand stand out and improve the look of their building?

We try to explain.

Distinctive Design and Practical Benefits

One way to get your name and contact information out there is with a monolith sign, which is basically just a freestanding structure.

The design is vertical and striking. It’s a powerful visual for people passing by to increase brand awareness and draw in some customers.

Visibility from a Distance

Visibility is a defining characteristic of monolith signs. They are made to be used on both sides, so the branding is identical on both sides.

This makes them especially useful in areas with a lot of foot traffic, where being seen from all sides is important for getting your message across.

Aesthetic Appeal

People love the clean, powerful look of monolith signs. As long as they fit in with the neighborhood’s visual standards, they look good and show that a business cares about quality and design.

These signs can be lit up, which makes them bright and noticeable, which is important for getting potential customers’ attention from far away.

Flexible Placement

In contrast to traditional signs that may only fit in certain areas of a building’s front, monolith signs can be put anywhere on your property.

For businesses that are not right next to footpaths or high-traffic routes, this is extremely valuable because these signs can be placed in a way that draws attention from busy roads and paths.

Durability and Security

Since they are made of strong materials, monolith signs are sturdy enough to resist vandalism and normal wear and tear.

This makes them a good choice for any business setting. The fact that they are strong means that they will always be a part of your business and help your marketing.

Customization and Professional Installation

If you choose a monolith sign, you are choosing a custom way to advertise. Ice Signs work closely with you from the first design stage all the way through the installation.

We start with a couple of primary designs and finishes and then add your company’s colors, fonts, logos, and pictures to make a sign that is truly unique and represents your business.

Comprehensive Service

Our team is dedicated to giving you a complete experience and making sure that every monolith sign meets your business’s exact needs.

Our experts will hook you up with the right style of placement and installation of the sign, handling all aspects carefully. We stick to health and safety standards for a smooth setup.

Why Invest in Monolith Signage?

The way businesses think about and use outdoor advertising has changed a lot since monolith signage came out. Because it is highly visible, has an eye-catching design, and is built to last, it is a great tool for businesses that want to make a strong impression in a crowded market.

Companies that are thinking about this dynamic advertising option can get a free site survey to figure out what their needs are and how to best meet them.

Talk to our experts about how monolith signs can change the way people see your business and bring in more customers.

Parting Thoughts

You can use monolith signs for reasons other than advertising. They are also a good investment for your business because they will last, be flexible, and fit with your brand.

These signs can be traditional or illuminated. Either way, they make your business stand out in a packed market.

Ice Signs is a company in Leeds that makes custom, hand-made signs, such as metal and illuminated signs. With over 20 years of experience, they deliver tailored design, supply, and installation services for both indoor and outdoor business signage needs.

For more information, visit:

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